Reservation | MANITO

There are two ways to make a reservation.

① Please register as a friend using the LINE QR code on the store logo image above the menu and make a reservation.

②Reservations can also be made by phone. We provide on-site services to any area within Tokyo.
The business trip service fee is 5,000 yen.
Depending on your location, the escort will take between 30 and 90 minutes to arrive at your location.

After receiving your reservation, we will call you back to confirm.
If you do not receive confirmation, please call us again or write to us.

Please let us know your hotel name, phone number, room number, and check-in name.

Please let us know
1.Hotel name.
2.Hotel telephone number.
3.Check in name.
4.Escort name or what kind of lady do you prefer?
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